Although citations may not seem like life changing offenses, what many don't know is the possible consequences that they may carry. Many of these citations carry points, fines and your insurance premiums rising. Our team of lawyers are here to defend all of your traffic needs.

Failure to stop at red light

3 Points

Following to close

2 Points

Improper passing / turn

2 Points

Failure to stop at stop sign / yield

3 Points

Careless driving

3 Points

Reckless driving

6 Points

Also a six month hard suspension of your driver license and a misdemeor carrying up to 93 days in jaill

Drag racing

4 Points


1-5 mph over the legal speed limit = One Point
6-10 mph over the legal speed limit = Two Points
11-15 mph over the legal speed limit = Three Points
16+ mph over the legal speed limit = Four Points

Suspended License

A number of traffic offenses and the accumulation of points on your record are followed with the consequence of a suspended license. While this can be an inconvenience in your everyday life, driving on a suspended license will result in many more serious consequences. In the state of Michigan, driving on a suspended license is considered a misdemeanor traffic offense. Your first offense may include fines and up to 93 days in jail. If convicted for the second time, you may face up to 1 year in jail along with fines. Along with above-mentioned consequences, your insurance premiums will rise. Don’t let this happen to you.

License Restoration

Often many try to restore their driving license without the assistance of legal representation. This is how petitions get denied. There are many legal aspects involved in restoring a driving license that cannot be done without legal counsel guiding you throughout the process. We may petition to restore your license anywhere from 1-5 years after you have lost your license. These cases are initially heard through the Secretary of State’s Office. Play by the rules: DO NOT drive if your license is revoked. Call us to set up a consultation to discuss if petitioning for a restoration is the right path for you.

Driving Under the Influence/DUI

Driving Under the Influence/OWI

Drug Possession

Domestic Violence




Marijuana Charges

Theft Offenses


An expungement is the legal term to set aside a past criminal conviction. As you may already be aware, a criminal record does not magically erase. This may affect your life in so many ways. It may cause hardship to your job, your education and your daily lifestyle. Under the Michigan law, you may be a candidate for an expungement. Expungements include a step by step process. If an expungement is successful, then your criminal record will be removed from the public eye.

Contact us to discuss the facts of your prior conviction(s) and see if you are eligible to have these conviction(s) expunged.


  • It must be (5) five years since the completion of your sentencing with regard to the conviction
  • You cannot have more than (1) one felony conviction and/or (2) two misdemeanor convictions
  • Many felony crimes and traffic offenses cannot be expunged, including operating a vehicle while intoxicated (OWI), child abuse and sex crimes.

Traffic Ticket, Misdemeanor and Felony Information